Probation Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP)


Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP) is designed to supervise and monitor offenders with a higher risk level. ISP employs elevated contact standards which are identified as best practices in supervising high risk felons. Probationers assigned to ISP will be required to comply with increased office visits, home visits, drug testing/treatment, cognitive programming, and any other conditions required by the Court and the Probation Department.

After completing ISP the probationer is assigned to basic supervision for the remainder of their probation.

Offenders placed on ISP will report to the 4 th floor at 800 Broadway, Cincinnati, OH 45202. You will need your photo ID to show the receptionist when you check-in.

Doug King

Director of Intensive Supervision Probation

Common Pleas Division

Phone: 513-946-9666

Fax: 513-946-9848