John J. Cruze
Hamilton County Courthouse
1000 Main Street
Room 450
Phone: 513-946-5470
Fax: 513-946-5477

Mediation is an informal, non-judicial process designed to allow the parties to reach a mutually acceptable settlement of their civil case with the assistance of a trained mediator.
Referrals of Cases to Mediation
Cases are referred to Mediation by the Court. The parties or counsel may request that their cases be taken through the mediation process. Please contact the Common Pleas ADR staff to discuss what makes a case appropriate for mediation.
Why Mediation?
- Less time consuming than litigation
- Less expensive than litigation
- Less confrontational than litigation
- Confidential
- Continued Relationships
- Results
Mediator’s Responsibilities
It is the mediator’s responsibility to facilitate discussions and communications between the parties. The goal is to help the parties reach an equitable settlement of their differences
Parties’ Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the parties to approach the mediation process in good faith with a willingness to resolve the issues
Cases Frequently Mediated
Auto Accidents/Personal Injury
Self-Funded Workers Compensation
Volunteer Mediator Coordinator
If your case requires a Volunteer Mediator you may contact John J. Cruze via email at or telephone at 513-946-5470
Arbitration is one of several types of Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs offered within Hamilton County Common Pleas Court for civil cases. Local Rule 24 of the Rules of Local Practice defines the manner in which arbitrations are conducted in the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas. The arbitration hearing is similar to a trial and is conducted in a courtroom type setting. The average hearings is approximately 3 ½ hours. The hearing is conducted, heard, and decided by a panel of three attorneys who have agreed to serve as arbitrators. After the conclusion of the hearing, the panel has 30 days to make a decision recorded as a REPORT & AWARD. The parties may accept or appeal the arbitration decision. MORE INFORMATION.
Click here for more information regarding Mediation and Arbitration.