Hon. Nicole L. Sanders
Presiding Judge
Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas
Drug Court Division
Hamilton County Courthouse
1000 Main Street
Room 500
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Contact Information
Doris Vincent, Bailiff
Phone Number: 513-946-5770
Keshia Jones, Director
Phone Number: 513-946-5773
Ashley Autry, Certification Coordinator
Phone Number: 513-946-5777
Rosalind Burnett, Specialized Docket Assistant
Phone Number: 513-946-5775
Tamara Clark, Client Case Manager
Phone Number: 513-946-5780
Manuel Foggie, Specialized Docket Adm.
Phone Number: 513-946-5776
Fax Number: 513-946-5779
Hamilton County Drug Treatment and Recovery Court
The goal of the drug treatment and recovery court program is to break the cycle of recidivism by addressing an offender’s drug dependency.
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What is the Hamilton County Drug Treatment and Recovery Court?
The Drug Treatment and Recovery Court of the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas was the first drug court established in Ohio and is the only full-time drug court in the State of Ohio. This court provides specialized supervision and treatment for defendants whose dependency upon substance use results in criminal penalties. The court handles felony 4 and 5 level offenses.
The Drug Treatment and Recovery Court oversees treatment team meetings and status review hearings serving in a non-adversarial role. These hearings monitor the participants' performance and progress. The Drug Treatment and Recovery Court ensures the protection of victims' rights and public safety via the recommendation of sanctions and incentives for participants. Those who voluntarily participate in the program seek to end their addiction thus improving the quality of their lives and furthering the public's security.
Program Overview
The Drug Treatment and Recovery is treatment based. Participants will first be assessed to recommend proper treatment. Participation in the program includes regular court appearances before the Drug Treatment and Recovery Judge with adjustments as needed.
Are You Eligible?
Legal and Treatment eligibilities include:
Legal Eligibility Guidelines
- Felony 4 and 5 level offenses
- No felony convictions of violence
- No history of drug trafficking
- Intervention can occur at multiple points of case processing including Judicial Transfer of New Cases Prior to Plea, Post Sentencing, Probation Violation, or Sentence Mitigation.
- Exclusions: NGRI; Incompetent to Stand Trial, Sex Offenses, Offenses involving Weapons in the Commission of the crime; Felony conviction of violence.
- Persistent Offending unrelated to trauma and other mental health disorders.
General Treatment Eligibility Guidelines
- Substance use and related co-occurring disorders
- Cognitive ability to understand and voluntarily participate in treatment plan
- Must have identified treatment needs that can be met by the program and a willingness to engage the services provided.
Status Updates (via Zoom - see Zoom link below)
Tuesday - Women
12:30pm - AIW (the 4th Tuesday of the month only)
3:30pm - Inpatient
4:30pm - Outpatient
Wednesday - Men
3pm - Inpatient
4pm - Outpatient
The Court’s Zoom session can be accessed at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2178879569