Juror Excuses

Now accepting jury summons responses and excuse/postponement requests by email.  Email: juryresponse@cms.hamilton-co.org.  Responses must be scanned in as an attachment.  Do NOT respond in the body of an email.

Juror Excuses Explained

The jury questionnaire that you received is your official summons for jury duty.  You will need to appear on the date and time specified on your questionnaire.  If there is no reason why you cannot appear on that date simply fill out your phone numbers, sign and date the summons, and return the questionnaire to our office.  If you have question about the ability to be excused please see below for more information.  Please note that any request to be excused/postponed must include your 6 or 7 digit juror number which is located below the bar code on your original summons.

Mandatory Excuses:

Age:   If you are over the age of 75 and you wish to be excused, we are required by Law to excuse you.  Please check the appropriate box and return the summons with verification of your age.

Served in the last 2 Years:  If you have served on jury duty in Hamilton County within the last two years, and you wish to be excused, we are required to grant this request.  If this box is checked we will verify the last date of your jury service in our computer and excuse you if applicable.

Out of County:  If you are no longer a resident of Hamilton County you are ineligible to serve on a jury in Hamilton County.  In order to be excused you must reply to this summons and send verification of your out of county address.  Verification includes, but is not limited to: Copy of Id card/drivers license, copy of utility bill, copy of rental/purchase agreement.

Optional excuses:

Employment Issues:  To be excused from jury service because your employer will not compensate you for time spent on jury service, you must submit a letter of verification from your employer on company letterhead.  The letter must indicate that it is company policy not to compensate employees while serving on jury duty.  To be excused from jury service because you are self employed you must write a letter on company letterhead stating that it would be a hardship for you and your business to serve on jury duty.  You will receive a postcard from the Jury Commission Office either granting or denying your request.  Please allow at least 10 days to pass before contacting the Jury Commission Office to check on the status of your request.

Student:  To be excused from jury service because you are a student you must submit a copy of your school schedule that verifies you are a student who is currently enrolled.  If you do not have access to online schedules you may also obtain a letter from the school in which you are enrolled.  You will receive a postcard from the Jury Commission Office either granting or denying your request.  Please allow at least 10 days to pass before contacting the Jury Commission Office to check on the status of your request.

Medical Hardship:  To be excused from jury service because of medical reasons you must submit a letter from a medical professional stating that you will not be able to serve on jury duty.  If this issue is of a chronic nature please ask the medical professional to indicate that on the summons.  If you are the care provider to an elderly parent or child you must submit a letter from their doctor that identifies that person as needing your consistent care or supervision.  You will receive a postcard from the Jury Commission Office either granting or denying your request.  Please allow at least 10 days to pass before contacting the Jury Commission Office to check on the status of your request.

Prior Felonies:  Jurors who have prior felony convictions are eligible to serve on jury duty provided that they are no longer incarcerated or on their period of probation/community control.  If you wish to be excused based on a past felony conviction the Jury Commission Office will consider your request.  Your request to be excused must be accompanied by verification of the felony conviction.  If you don’t have any records in your possession the best place to go would be the Clerk of Courts of the place where the felony conviction occurred.  You will receive a postcard from the Jury Commission Office either granting or denying your request.  Please allow at least 10 days to pass before contacting the Jury Commission Office to check on the status of your request.


Ohio law allows you a one-time postponement of your jury service. If you wish to postpone your service, please indicate on the summons the Monday that you would prefer to start your jury service.  The new date must be within six months of your original date.   If you are making a second request for postponement of your jury service that request must be accompanied by a letter explaining why you need additional time.  You will receive a postcard from the Jury Commission Office either granting or denying your request.  Please allow at least 10 days to pass before contacting the Jury Commission Office to check on the status of your request.