Honorable Nicole L. Sanders
Hamilton County Courthouse
1000 Main Street
Room 500
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Doris Vincent, Bailiff
Phone Number: 513-946-5770
Keshia Jones, Director
Phone Number: 513-946-5773
Ashley Autry, Certification Coordinator
Phone Number: 513-946-5777
Rosalind Burnett, Specialized Docket Assistant
Phone Number: 513-946-5775
Tamara Clark, Client Case Manager
Phone Number: 513-946-5780
Manuel Foggie, Specialized Docket Adm.
Phone Number: 513-946-5776
Fax Number: 513-946-5779
Contact the Bailiff for more information.
Motion Practice will be held every Friday. Motions should be submitted to the judge at least 2 weeks before oral arguments.
Pre-trial Conferences are held Monday - Friday between 8 am and 9 am. Please be on-time.
The following are expected at all times:
- Attorneys are expected to be prompt, professional, courteous and respectful at all times.
- Counsel is expected to behave professionally and to act civilized toward each other, parties, witnesses and courtroom staff.
- Attorneys should stand when addressing the court, questioning witnesses and when objecting.
- Counsel must ask permission before approaching a witness or the bench.
- If a case is in progress, attorneys should quietly wait until the bailiff becomes available.
- If an attorney is going to be late, please contact the court bailiff as soon as possible.
- [Zoom Information at the Bottom of the Page]:
Room 500 Schedule
Monday - Thursday
8am - 9am Pre-trial conferences with Public Defenders, Attorneys, Prosecutors, and Probation Officers
9am - noon Court in session - regular Drug Court docket
*** Expungements - If there is an objection from the State, the expungement will be continued and notice provided to the party for appearance.
Zoom: The Court’s Zoom session can be accessed at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2178879569