Municipal Rule 12


In the event of a violation of Pretrial Electronic Monitoring on Juris Monitor imposed as condition of release on bond:

1. The Pretrial EMU/Juris Monitor Officer shall prepare an affidavit specifically stating the details of the violation. The affidavit shall be sworn before a notary or before the Judge, signed by the officer and endorsed by the Judge.

2. The Pretrial EMU/Juris Monitor Officer shall present the affidavit and optional entries to the assigned Judge for consideration of revocation. If there is no assigned Judge or if the assigned Judge is unavailable then the matter shall be presented to the Judge who set the bond. If none of these Judges is available, then the matter shall be presented to the Administrative Judge.

3. After consideration of the affidavit the Judge shall do one or more of the following:

a. Take no remedial action, and continue the issue for consideration at the scheduled court hearing.
b. Take no remedial action and set the matter for hearing.
c. Revoke the bond and set the matter for hearing in arraignment on forfeiture and possible release under revised conditions.

4. If the Judge issues a revocation order, the pretrial officer shall take the entry to the clerk. A warrant for the arrest of the Defendant shall be issued by the Clerk of Courts. The pretrial office shall execute the warrant as otherwise prescribed by law and departmental policies.

5. An EMU or Juris Monitor Officer shall appear at arraignment to provide necessary information for bond setting.

6. Juris Monitor shall remain a condition of Bond at arraignment unless specifically deleted by the Arraignment Judge. The Pretrial EMU/Juris Monitor officer shall notify the victim of the court's action.

(Adopted May 28, 1998)

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